Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend 2.

STORY(no pics sorry): So friday night, while Agnes and I were en route to a pizzeria downtown, I got punched. I was on the phone, while eating this raw tuna and coconut juice - in a cup. When all of a sudden I was in the gutter, with a killer headache, and covered in dirt and juice. I guess some drunk guy was running by, punched me in the side of the face, and ran away. I'm kind of glad the big Samoans I work with weren't there because they would have killed him - literally. When they heard the story they freaked out and wanted to hunt him down. I'm fine though.. I got a little scratched up but it makes for a great story right? Everyone knows you haven't had a real Samoan experience until you've been k.o.'d by a drunk guy in Apia.

Saturday we went to a place called Sliding Rocks. It's kind of self explanatory: a bunch of long slippery rocks in a river that you can slide down. It was really fun.

Sunday, President Uchdorf and co visited the island. It was a really big deal as half the island is LDS. Plus he's my favorite apostle - by a lot. So I liked it too. He gave a really inspiring message.

Dieter loves it
and Moroni dropped his trumpet..
Oh and I never said, but Carol left last thursday. It was sad, and we'll all miss her a lot.


  1. happy birthday! i always remember that november 9 is your birthday because when you were younger you told me you were born the day the berlin wall came down. i thought you were so smart for knowing that. haha.

    it looks like you are having an awesome experience in samoa. i love reading your stories and the people are such a good example of gratitude and generosity.

  2. Thanks Mattie! Sorry I don't check the comments very often..
    I am having an awesome time here, it's been a lot of fun. Not all of it.. but MOST of it ;)
    I've met a lot of amazing people here, and they've been great examples to me.
    I hope you, scott, and jonah are doing well!
